Grey Sarmiento


Hello there!

I am a first year PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania studying robotics and control in the DAIR Lab advised by Michael Posa. My main academic interests are in intelligent robotic manipulation and environment use under uncertainty. Other than that, I do art, comics, and music, and have passions in education and research accessibility.

Before this, I did my undergraduate at MIT studying mechanical engineering and robotics with a minor in math.

If your carrier pigeon is on holiday, I can be found by email at greysar[at]seas[dot]upenn[dot]edu. Come say hi!

CV / Google Scholar / LinkedIn / GitHub / Twitter


Apr 12, 2024 Starting my PhD this fall at UPenn’s GRASP Lab in Michael Posa’s group! :high_brightness:
Oct 01, 2023 Presented at the IPPC Workshop for IROS 2023
Sep 02, 2023 Back from LA: interned with SpaceX’s Dragon Team this summer working on structures and mechanisms

selected publications

  1. Gripper-Aware Grasping: End-Effector Shape Context for Cross-Gripper Generalization
    Alina Sarmiento , Anthony Simeonov , and Pulkit Agrawal
  2. CORL
    Shelving, Stacking, Hanging: Relational Pose Diffusion for Multi-modal Rearrangement
    Anthony Simeonov , Ankit Goyal , Lucas Manuelli , Lin Yen-Chen , Alina Sarmiento , Alberto Rodriguez , Pulkit Agrawal , and Dieter Fox